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Isobutane Gas Calc

If you have gas canisters and you are a backpacker with a scale, this tool is your friend! Calculate the remaining gas in your isobutane gas canisters before you head out to the wilderness.

Your Time Matters

Currently Reading

The Kingdom of the Heart

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Favorite Video Game

Super Mario World
(SNES Edition)

Lyrics I'm Contemplating...

Arabic English
إسمك على راسي Your name is on my head
كان في دمي It was in my blood
كان في قلبي It was in my heart
في سجودي In my prostration
ياخلينيياحبيبي Oh leave me, oh my love

Gaza is Calling


On Repeat

To Star Lake

Joe Hisaishi—Howl’s Moving Castle (Original Soundtrack)


My God, the majesty in this song lives rent free in my head. Subhanallah. Not sure what adventure it’s taking me to, but I keep moving forward. 

Fun fact: Joe Hisaishi was my most listened to artist in 2024 according to Apple Music. Makes sense. I’ve been in more of an instrumental mood lately. 

Currently (re)Playing

Halo 2: Anniversary Edition