I went to visit my father’s grave and pay my respects with a kind friend of mine. As the birds chirped and the wind blew, I reflected on my feelings and my state of mind.
There was a sense of calm.
The chaos of two years condensed into one moment. I wasn’t sad. I didn’t cry. I kind of just stood there, at his grave, and smiled.
Today was a milestone of good. That I felt comfort from his peaceful death. I resonated with his essence, a quiet in his burial grounds as he awaited judgement. When I raised my hands to Allah, my prayer was simple: give him ease in the grave, forgive him, and help him reach a better place.
In turn, I also learned, that prayer was for myself. I felt ease, forgiveness, and thankfulness towards Allah that I am the reflection of my dad’s sacrifices in this life. And I seek the reward of the next.
On the drive home, I had a light nap in the passenger seat. I felt his legacy surge through me like a lightning bolt: a small village, a big city, great change, still alive.
Indeed, his death reminds me that I’m alive, awake with change, 2 years forward, going strong.
All praises due to Allah.
(If you read this post, take 5 seconds and say “may Allah forgive him.” Even if you whisper it, it’s okay. That small statement can make the biggest difference. Thank you.)