Snowden and The Wire’s Season 2 have more in common than Snowden realizes

I’m loving Vox’s unique take on reporting odd, out of the box content. Like for instance, this article by Dylan Matthews discusses a deeper analysis of The Wire’s Season 2’s perspective on the War on Terror. Here’s the main point: (Also, spoilers for those of you who haven’t watched what I consider my favorite television show, period).

You can view season two of The Wire as making a closely related point: we’ve sacrificed our ability to pursue the people responsible for the deaths of 14 women because our federal government is overly focused on preventing terrorism. I’d think that’s a critique that would resonate with Snowden.

It’s interesting the balancing act the government has to make when using informants. In The Wire, informants are a mainstay in conducting police investigations in drug-ridden communities and extensive crimes. It’s important to keep in mind that there has to be a continuing exchange between informants in order to solve crimes. In some cases, this creates a cycle of criminality between the informant (i.e. Omar, Bubbles) and the informed (i.e. McNulty, Bunk).