Quick color name to hex code generation with ChatGPT

Currently, I’m working on a client e-commerce site that requires converting fabric colors to HEX values for customers to be able to select.

If you have a list of colors in their named form that you need to convert into similar HEX color analogs, I recommend you try asking ChatGPT for its suggestion. I was surprised by the outcome. My prompt was the following:

`Convert this list of colors into hex color analogs. output in a markdown table that you put in a code block:`
Tan White`

ChatGPT took my list, consolidated all the duplicates, and outputted them exactly as I asked.

ChatGPT Output in Markdown formatted table.

Then I converted the table to a TSV (tab-separated values) with ChatGPT and set up an AirTable with a Color Name column and Hex Value column.

ChatGPT Output in TSV format
Imported into two columns in AirTable

Using the Color palette extension in Airtable, I connected the columns and got this beautiful chart:

Quick color display in Airtable’s Color palette extension

In 6 minutes, I saved myself tedious effort in color conversion. The ChatGPT baseline offers room for customization as well as the final design output.