I’m burning the midnight oil, trying to learn new tools and new skills and I lost myself deep in a rabbit hole of knowledge. So as I went to turn on the SMTP mail server switch in PocketBase, I saw a tooltip that said it uses UNIX Sendmail
by default and that using an SMTP server is highly recommended. I’m no stranger to SMTP servers, I’ve set up and configured plenty. But I’ve always wondered, why is it that UNIX Sendmail
doesn’t work? So I asked Claude and I got this response:
Yes, my AI chuckled at my silly question. I don’t know why I was taken aback. The humanness of the response was so disarming and jarring at the same time. It almost begs me to respond in my own human way rather than using my terse syntax. So I responded like a human to my robot:
And the response was smooth, simple, and informative. It felt like a colleague who wasn’t pretentious. Ugh, I hate how comfortable it made me feel. A robot, making me feel something. Not new territory for cinema but definitely uncharted waters on where it’s taking us. This Verge article on AI friendship will definitely have you wondering, are we pushing it too far (hint: my answer is yes, but who’s stopping them?).