In Microsoft’s continual effort to kill Internet Explorer (smart move and long time coming), it has been sunset and today is D-Day. It has been permanently disabled via a Microsoft Edge update! Thank God! Plus all the visual references are dying June 13, 2023, which means the only place Internet Explorer will live is inside a VM, trapped in a fever dream. Where it belongs.
Now, can we please convince the diehards of outdated IT infrastructure in companies around the world to make a move on it? Hah, maybe in my wildest dreams.
I want to say I have fond memories of Internet Explorer, but I don’t. Never enjoyed any aspect of it. I was always an Opera user, Firefox user, Chrome user, Safari user, and all that other jazz. Dabbled with Vivaldi and Brave just a bit. Edge too, but only for Bing AI testing.
Now I’m on an Arc Browser exploration phase (finally snagged an invite) and it’s been fun. Maybe there is a new sheriff in town…????
Thank God for all the other browser choices. Happy to kick the old one out 🙂