I like embracing the newness of macOS releases

Maybe it’s because I’m always working at the cutting edge of software releases and betas-galore, but I generally find my computers to be quite stable with every new release. I’m a Mac user and the latest Ventura update has been pretty solid. Don’t get me wrong, the macOS Preferences’ menu needs another design review before we can call it usable by any stretch of the imagination. But overall, the OS has been a step in the right direction in providing stable, useful features that well integrate across the Apple ecosystem.

That’s why articles like this one by a place of mind rarely resonate with me. In fact, the quality of the article’s writing leaves much to be desired. It highlights just 4 issues (USB security permissions, Espanso text expander not working, the preferences redesign, and stage manager) they are having with macOS’s Ventura and then proceeds to write off the entire OS as a result.

While some complaints pile on in the Hacker News thread (which, let’s be for real, I read for the comments ????), most folks remain sensible in the discourse addressing pros and cons. I don’t blame folks for not wanting dramatic change in their daily workflows. I, personally, see each upgrade as a way to rip off the band and embrace the newness as quick as possible. Of course, it’s not fair to expect others to embrace this philosophy.

I’m lucky to have that privilege where I don’t have mission-critical work flows. Apple in general has always been on the bleeding edge (though they can be a bit too trigger-happy to deprecate things such as iWork due to the iOS/Mac framework consolidation) and those who know this, generally embrace it. It’s one of the reasons why Microsoft and Google have had serious challenges to move developers past older APIs. Then again, we still have Carbon and Objective-C mishmashes alongside Swift and Swift UI holy grail frameworks. Technology is hard, y’all, and I’m not envious of the developer teams in any of those companies. Bless y’all for keeping the shipping train going.

Look, if you want to avoid upgrading, that’s cool. I respect that. Let’s direct the critique towards actionable change, not by deriding new security features or optional features. Plus, mobile is eating the world and has been for quite some time. If you want more feature-tinkering, try some flavors of linux. Now that’s customization heaven.